jinx you owe me $5,000

bad girls, drinking, stupid wisdom teeth, and marcel the shell!

i’m like a pseudo-adult…i’m a student.

schoolings, japanese clocks, tv, fall(!), how i was almost killed.

it’s the final final countdown

it’s the fiiinal countdown. do do dee dooo, d-d-d-d-dooo…

bring on the marathons, it’s summer

wedding season. graduation. fall semester already. blech.

it’s almost my favorite day of the year! the day after thanksgiving when they play christmas music on the radio

rachel zoe, monocles, and cheers.

make me a sandwich…with your sandwich making skills

i had to babysit. it wasn’t horrible. the kids survived…even if it was based solely on instinct. oh, i also had my first group presentation. i survived. again, based solely on instinct.

you’re like school on sunday. no class.

first home game led to lots of confusion and the reiteration of the football season.